Four individuals wearing face masks standing in front of a mona lisa painting.

Unmasking Face Masks

We’ve heard it from the CDC, the WHO, various State Departments of Health, and even the cast of Hamilton: wearing a face covering or mask helps slow the spread of the coronavirus.  Numerous sellers and manufacturers have approached HINGE COMMERCE expressing interest in selling face coverings or masks on Amazon.  This article shares our market analysis of face masks on US Amazon, and shares recommendations.

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Bottles of disinfectant and hand sanitizer on a wooden surface.

Expanded list of Personal Safety & Household products with special requirements

Out of concern for customer safety related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Amazon has added more products to the list of personal safety and household products.  These items are held to higher requirements due to COVID-19.  Previously, the list had included face masks, hand sanitizer, sanitary gloves, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  As of this week, the full list of items now include: Face masks Hand sanitizer Sanitary gloves Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Disinfectant wipes and sprays Isopropyl alcohol Sanitary gloves Soap Paper products Thermometers Pulse oximeters Over-the-counter medicines and supplements (for humans) Note:  You must be a credentialed…

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This is NOT the time for business-as-usual. It’s time to pivot!

WHAT WILL YOU DO DIFFERENTLY TO HELP YOUR BUSINESS SURVIVE THIS CRISIS? In the face of the pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, brands need to get their Amazon businesses running as efficiently as possible. Here are the tools and services to help you quickly pivot your Amazon business:   If you are FBA, are you faced with long or uncertain warehouse replenishment times? If so, you do not want to run out-of-stock. You need to update your demand planning forecasts and apply careful inventory management. Be careful about your promotion and AMS strategy for any SKUs that are running low. HINGE COMMERCE has automated technology to manage your marketing dollars and shift your AMS to higher stock inventory.…

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